Weekdays 12 - 5 PM

Local Delivery

2 - 3 working days

International Shipping

available soon

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Contact Us

Have a question? Feel free to drop us a message below.

If you are facing issues with the vending machine, please provide us with the following information so we can speed things up:

  1. Date and Time (~approximate)
  2. Location of the machine
  3. Payment method (i.e., Physical Card, ApplePay/SamsungPay, WeChat, GrabPay)
  4. Last 4 digits of your payment card (virtual card if ApplePay/SamsungPay was used)
  5. Item purchased
  6. Proof of payment (e.g., screenshot of your bank statement)

We will get back to you in 1-2 working days.

Send a message

Fill out the form below with your message and someone from our team will respond soon.